Suraj Patel Education
Research Methodology
M.Com Part II ( Series 2 )
Part 3 Link Click Here
301. Normally, where in a research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?
A. In the discussion.
B. None of these.
C. In the introduction.
D. In the conclusions.
Ans:- C
302. What are the important features of a table or diagram included in a research report?
A. That it should be readily understood and helpful.
B. That it is easy to make.
C. That it is created using SPSS.
D. That it should be colourful.
Ans:- A
303. Why are the references included in a research project?
A. To impress lecturers.
B. It is courtesy to the authors of the works that you have read.
C. To keep a record of everything that you have read in writing the report.
D. To fully identify the source of information and ideas discussed in the report so that
others may check for themselves.
Ans:- D
304. Which is probably the best of the following?
A. The questionnaires were distributed at the end of an introductory lecture on
B. We decided that the easiest way to get the research completed was to give out the
questionnaires during the lecture.
C. Participants were given questionnaires for completion.
D. We distribute the questionnaires to the participants at the end of an introductory
lecture in psychology.
Ans:- A
305. Which is the best of the following?
A. Cite the original study but then indicate where you got your information from.
B. Cite the original study in the text of the report but leave it out of the list of references
because you have not actually read it.
C. Cite the original study because that has the most detail.
D. To cite the actual source you used rather than the source of the original study.
Ans:- A
306. Which of the following is the most accurate?
A. Modify the standard structure appropriately if it does not work well for a particular
B. Always follow exactly the standard structure of a research report.
C. Use the standard structure only when its suits yourself.
D. Do what other students do.
Ans:- A
307. The ideal model for a research report is:
A. the essay format.
B. the journal article standard format.
C. a magazine article.
D. what other students do.
Ans:- B
308. Why is it important to read original articles when you are reviewing the literature?
A. To look for flaws in the method.
B. To obtain an overview of methods and procedures.
C. To examine the validity of the conclusions.
D. All of these.
Ans:- D
309. You are about to do a literature search, what would be the first stage?
A. Do a literature search online.
B. Read introductory textbooks.
C. Order some inter-library loans.
D. Ask your lecturer for some articles.
Ans:- B
310. Which section of a journal article is provided in most online electronic databases?
A. Introduction.
B. Conclusion.
C. Abstract.
D. Results.
Ans:- C
311. Which electronic database is restricted to including psychology journals?
B. PsycINFO.
C. Science Direct.
D. Web of Science.
Ans:- B
312. If you only wanted a maximum of 100 results to look through, which method would
you use out of the ones listed below?
A. Easy Search in Web of Science.
B. An easy search in any of OPAC, PsycINFO, or Web of Science.
C. Easy search in OPAC.
D. Easy Search in PsycINFO.
Ans:- A
313. If you require a journal article not stocked by your library, what could you use?
A. The inter-library loans system.
B. Email the author.
C. Another library.
D. Any of these.
Ans:- D
314. What is deemed a good measure of the quality of a journal?
A. The impact factor.
B. The intake factor.
C. The OPAC factor.
D. The influence factor.
Ans:- A
316.What is the typical time period between research being conducted and research being
A. 6-12 months.
B. 2-3 years.
C. 2-6 months.
D. 1-2 years.
Ans:- D
317. On a publication classified by DDC, what do the three numbers represent?
A. Category, Division, Section.
B. Class, Division, Section.
C. Class, Division, Subject.
D. Call numbers.
Ans:- B
318. What is an ethical dilemma?
A. An ethical dilemma is agreement of the different principles of immoral conduct.
B. An ethical dilemma is conflict between different principles of moral conduct.
C. An ethical dilemma is agreement of the different principles of moral conduct.
D. An ethical dilemma is conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct.
Ans:- B
319. Who is responsible for ethical behaviour?
A. The participant.
B. The psychological community.
C. The psychologist.
D. Lecturers and supervisors.
Ans:- B
320. Who do the newest APA ethical standards apply to?
A. Members and student affiliates.
B. Members.
C. Student affiliates.
D. Participants.
Ans:- A
321. Which of the below are the five general ethical principles of the APA?
A. Beneficence and nonmaleficence; fidelity and trustworthiness; credibility; justice;
B. Beneficence and nonmaleficence; conformity and trustworthiness; credibility; integrity;
C. Beneficence and nonmaleficence; fidelity and trustworthiness; credibility; justice;
D. Beneficence and nonmaleficence; fidelity and responsibility; integrity; justice; respect.
Ans:- D
322.What is the purpose of informed consent?
A. In order that the participant can make an informed choice about their participation and
not undertake to do something which they may otherwise have declined to do.
B. To make sure that participants know exactly what to expect from the research and to
communicate their right to withdraw at any stage.
C. To ensure that participants are not lied to about the time commitment involved in their
D. All of these.
Ans:- D
323. What should happen if a participant withdraws from your research?
A. Contact the participant for a follow up interview to see why they want to withdraw
from the study.
B. All information contributed by that participant up to that date should be destroyed, or
turned over to the participant for their disposal.
C. If you have already analysed the data, keep the participant's information in the study.
D. All of these.
Ans:- B
324. What is a major ethical drawback of offering financial incentive for participation?
A. It can be expensive.
B. It can be coercive.
C. It may mean that people who are wealthy are less likely to participate.
D. None of these.
Ans:- B
325.In certain circumstances, other researchers may request your data set for verification.
In which situations would you have to refuse their access?
A. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured, and if another party has
already requested the data at an earlier time.
B. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured and if another party have
proprietary rights over the data which prevent its release.
C. If the participants have not signed a disclaimer and if another party have proprietary
rights over the data which prevent its release.
D. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured and if you intend to use the
data in a follow up study.
Ans:- C
326. The laboratory experiment has the potential to reveal causality but how is this
A. By the manipulation of one, or more, independent variables and the measurement of
the effects of this manipulation of one, or more, dependent variables.
B. By the control of all other variables other than the independent variable.
C. By random assignment of participants to different conditions or different orders in
which the conditions are run.
D. All of these.
Ans:- D
327. One reason why it is important to distinguish between the two major sorts of research
design is because:
A. cause and effect is more likely to be implied from the between-subjects design.
B. the within-subjects design is more likely to find differences in your study.
C. they use different methods of analysis or statistical tests.
D. because the within-subjects design requires fewer participants and therefore with less
data the results are less significant.
Ans:- C
328. The independent variable refers to:
A. a variable which serves as the aim of an experiment.
B. the variable being manipulated or varied in some way by the researcher.
C. the variable which is only used in the control condition.
D. the variable which shows us the effect of the manipulation.
Ans:- B
329.In a basic true experiment with only two conditions you are interested in the effects of
noise on completing a comprehension task. You decide to play a tape recording of very loud
music to which group of participants?
A. Those participants in experimental condition.
B. Those participants in another random group.
C. Those participants in the control condition.
D. None of these. It is a trick question.
Ans:- A
330. Which of the following statements is false?
Using a within-subjects design means that:
A. it provides for a more sensitive test of the differences between conditions because it
controls for differences between individuals.
B. the same people, or very similar pairs of people, can be selected and put into two
experimental conditions.
C. you can perform a related t-test and the same people can be measured twice on the
dependent variable.
D. different people are tested on just one of the conditions of the study.
Ans:- D
331. A solution typically used for dealing with the effects that can occur in a within-subjects
design as a result of participants doing the conditions in a particular order is called:
A. pre-testing.
B. counterbalancing.
C. order effects.
D. asymmetrical transfer effect.
Ans:- B
332. Random assignment involves the:
A. haphazard choice of assigning participants to a study.
B. the researcher selecting a typical population or group of people.
C. use of a random procedure so that each possible outcome has an equal chance of being
D. using a sample of people that the researcher does not know about.
Ans:- C
333. The best way of ensuring that the participants in the experimental and control group
are similar on variables which might be expected to affect the outcome of a study is to use:
A. a related statistical analysis test.
B. matching.
C. standardization procedures.
D. random assignment.
Ans:- B
334. What does it mean when research quotes that their findings are "statistically
significant" and the statistical level set was at 0.05?
A. That 95% of the time the study will be wrong.
B. That a difference found is likely to occur by chance 5 or fewer times out of a 100 which
suggests that the difference is due to chance and so does not represent a real difference
between the groups or conditions.
C. That a difference found is likely to occur by chance 5 or fewer times out of a 100 and
suggests that the difference is quite unusual and unlikely to be due to chance but rather
a real difference between the groups or conditions.
D. The extent to which the difference found is simply by chance.
Ans:- B
335. Any statistical differences between the conditions in the dependent variable at posttest are very likely to be due to the manipulated variable if:
A. you have used a laboratory to conduct the experiment and randomly assigned
B. if the only other difference between the experimental and control conditions is the
manipulated variable.
C. the dependent variable does not differ significantly between the conditions at pre-test.
D. the dependent variable does not differ at pre-test and the only other difference between
the two conditions is the manipulated variable.
Ans:- D
336. When a number of tests or comparisons are being made on the data from the same
study the chances of finding some of these statistically significant is known as what?
A. Multiplied significance level.
B. Familywise error rate.
C. Analysis of variance.
D. Bonferroni test.
Ans:- B
337. What is the formula for the experimentwise error rate?
A. 1 ÷ (1 + 0.05) number of comparisons
B. 1 - √ (1 - 0.05) number of comparisons
C. 1 - (1 - 0.05) number of comparisons
D. 1 - (0.05 ÷ number of comparisons)
Ans:- C
338. By using the correct formula for the experimentwise error rate with 3 comparisons
the significance level would be
A. 0.05 ÷ number of comparisons
B. 0.2678
C. 0.0167
D. 0.1426
Ans:- D
339. With a post-hoc test:
A. it simply tells us whether the overall independent variable has a significant effect but
not which conditions actually differ from each other.
B. the significance of the statistical tests needs to take into account the number of
comparisons being made.
C. the probability of those findings being statistically significant decreases the more
comparisons that are made.
D. you need to control for order effects by running the levels or conditions in different
Ans:- B
340. Using a Bonferroni adjustment you are making four comparisons thus the significance
level is:
A. 0.0167
B. 0.0125
C. 0.20
D. 0.22
Ans:- B
341. A researcher has recorded for their study each participant's occupation; Management,
IT, Retail, Medical, Student. The researcher has turned the data into dummy variables.
Considering this information which of the following is false?
A. There is always one less dummy variable than the number of categories.
B. Dichotomous variables have been created by coding each individual as being in that
profession or not.
C. Because it is nominal data it is classed as a single variable and has been turned into
numerical scores.
D. Dummy variables allow a way of entering nominal data into a multiple regression.
Ans:- C
342. Which of the following would NOT represent an interaction in a graph?
A. Where the lines are parallel.
B. Where the lines converge.
C. Where the lines cross each other.
D. Where the lines diverge.
Ans:- A
343. The idea that experimenters may unintentionally influence participants into behaving
in the way they want is known as:
A. experimental manipulation.
B. demand characteristics.
C. experimentwise error rate.
D. experimenter unintentional expectancy effects.
Ans:- D
344. Orne's solution to demand characteristics was for researcher's to:
A. use sophisticated control techniques.
B. use double blind procedures and placebos.
C. understand the findings of the research much better by seeking information from the
participants themselves, e.g. a post-experiment interview with participants.
D. run counter-demand conditions to test for the effects of demand characteristics.
Ans:- C
345. Cook and Campbell (1979) described a non-manipulation study as:
A. correlational.
B. quasi experiments.
C. non-experimental.
D. passive-observational.
Ans:- D
346. Variables in a cross-sectional design are:
A. a mixture of both score and nominal data.
B. frequencies.
C. nominal data.
D. score data.
Ans:- A
347. What is the difference between the laboratory experimental and the non-manipulative
A. In the non-manipulative study the relationship between the variables of interest in
usually smaller than would be expected in a laboratory experiment.
B. The non-manipulative study is more demanding in terms of numbers of participants.
C. Non-manipulative studies employ statistical controls to control for unwanted
D. All of these.
Ans:- D
348.Which of the following is a measure of internal consistency of a scale or measure?
A. Correlation coefficient.
B. Test-retest reliability.
C. Cronbach's (1951) Alpha.
D. Partialling.
Ans:- C
349. If one measure has a reliability of 0.80 and the reliability of another measure is 0.30,
then what is the maximum value that the correlation between these two variables may
A. 0.55
B. 0.49
C. 1.1
D. 0.24
Ans:- B
350. Partialling refers to:
A. dividing a measure into smaller parts.
B. the same variable is measured on one occasion for each participant.
C. controlling for a third variable, or variables.
Ans:- C
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