Economics MCQ Mumbai University





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51. India ranks ________in milk production in the world.

a. First

b. Second 

c. Fifth 

d. Sixth

Answer: a


52. According to the Economic survey of GOI 2018-19, India

(a) has already entered the demographic phase of a high share of working age population

(b) Is yet to enter the demographic phase of a high share of working age population

(c) Is still in the demographic phase of a low share of working age population

(d) Will never be able to enter the demographic phase of a high share of working age population

Ans: (a)


53. According to the Economic Survey of 2017-18, the states of India with poor performance on gender related issues are

(a) Diverging

(b) Converging

(c) No distinct pattern

(d) Becoming poor



54. Which of the following states is the best performer in terms as GSVA in the service sector?

(a) Maharashtra

(b) Karnataka

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Himachal Pradesh

Ans: (b)



55. FDI equity inflows into the services sector accounted for how much per cent of the total FDI equity inflows into India in 2018-19?

(a)  90%

(b)  63.7%

(c) 10.4%

(d)  30.1%

Ans: (b)


56. As per the UN National Accounts Statistics data for 2017, India ranked

(a)  3th in terms of GDP size

(b) 7th in terms of GDP size

(c) 6th in terms of GDP size

(d) 5th in terms of GDP size

Ans: (b)


57. Green colour indicates the __________ in terms of SGD index 

(a) Front runners

(b) Performers

(c) Aspirants

(d) Achievers

And: (a)


58. In which year was the Small-Scale Industries (SSI‟s) in India renamed as Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME‟s)?

a. 2006

b. 2007

c. 2005

d. 2004

Answer: a


59. What is the total number of MSME‟s in India in organized sector according to the latest MSME census?

a. 25.4 million

b. 29.8 million

c. 48.7 million

d. 43.4 million

Answer: b


60. FRBM committee recommended  centre debt to GDP ratio to be at

a. 37 percent

b. 40 percent

c. 25 percent

d. 35 percent

Answer: b


61. The Gini coefficient provides a measure of:

a. the level of poverty 

b. the level of relative inequality 

c. disguised unemployment 

d. the rate of growth

Ans: b


62. Balanced growth theories of Ragnar Nurkse advocate

a. a steady rate of growth of GNP 

b. parity between capital stock and labor

c. simultaneous development of all sectors of the economy 

d. Development of leading sectors

Ans: c


63. To avoid excess burden of tax we should have

a. Low marginal tax rate

b. Zero marginal tax rate

c. Progressive tax rate

d. Proportional tax rate

Answer: b


64. The market demand for transportation is the _________________ of individual demands for transportation.

1. Vertical summation

2. Horizontal summation

3. Differentiation

4. None of these

Answer (2)


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65. Random Utility Model of Transportation Choice helps in understanding demand for Transport as a

1. Divisible Good

2. Discrete Good

3. Normal Good

4. Public Good

Answer (2)


66. Probabilistic Choice Models help in understanding demand for Transport as a

1. Divisible Good

2. Discrete Good

3. Normal Good

4. Public Good

Answer (2)



67. In Random Utility Models of Transportation Choice, all available alternatives are

1. Compliments

2. Substitutes

3. Perfect Compliments

4. None of these

Answer (2)


68. Identify the false statement for the cost function

a. The cost function is non-decreasing in input prices

b. The cost function is homogeneous of degree one in input prices

c. Convex in input prices

d. Continuous in input prices

Answer c



69.With perfect income equality the Gini coefficient in a country would be

a. infinity

b. 1 

c. .5 

d. 0

Ans: d


70. According to the theory structural transformation, as incomes rise in the initial stage there tends to be a shift of labor from

a. Agriculture to industrial sector

b. Agriculture to services sector

c. Industrial sector to services sector

d. Services sector to industrial sector

Ans: a


71. Historically, low rate of population growth were maintained because of

a. low fertility rates. 

b. high mortality rates. 

c. migration out of developing countries. 

d. government restrictions on the number of children families can have.

Ans: b


72. A strangle is an investment strategy that combines 

a. A call and a put for the same expiry date but at different strike prices

b. Two puts and one call with the same expiry date

c. Two calls and one put with the same expiry dates

d. A call and a put at the same strike price and expiry date

Answer: a.


73. A trader buys 2 June expiry call options each at a strike price of Rs. 200 and Rs. 220 and sells two call options with a strike price of Rs. 210, this strategy is a

a. Bull Spread

b. Bear call spread

c. Butterfly spread

d. Calendar spread

Answer c.


74. The option price will ceteris paribus be negatively related to the volatility of the cash price of the underlying.

a. The statement is true

b. The statement is false

c. The statement is partially true

d. The statement is partially false

Answer: b.


75. A put option with a strike price of Rs. 1176 is selling at a premium of Rs. 36. What will be the price at which it will break even for the buyer of the option

a. Rs. 1870

b. Rs. 1194

c. Rs. 1140

d. Rs. 1940

Answer b.



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