IDOL mumbai university semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question




IDOL mumbai university semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question

Q.6 Explain supply chain intermediaries in SCM in detail.


Intermediaries or middlemen reference the groups that work between farmers, processors, distributors and retailers and fulfil a variety of connecting and facilitating roles. These groups usually take the name of wholesaler, trader, distributor, importer or broker. Producers Market is not against intermediaries. In fact, there are many examples out there of value chains that require intermediary roles to facilitate farmers’ access to local, regional or diverse market channels. Intermediaries in the supply chain can take risks, provide financing, set up sales, and manage complex relationships with downstream buyers, distributors, and other stakeholders. Supply Chain Management and Logistics


There are four commonly known types of intermediaries, namely marketing agents, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers.

Marketing Agents:

Marketing agents, sometimes also known as brokers, are private individuals or firms that facilitate the selling of a product. They usually act as marketers or representatives on behalf of the sellers and don’t actually own the product that is being sold. The role of these agents can be better understood by observing the role of a real estate broker. Such intermediaries are paid a cut from the transaction, and they act only to connect the buyer to the seller. Marketing agents are not only limited to the field of real estate. Their services are commonly used across the international trade scene, particularly in travel services. When companies cannot reach the desired customers directly, they employ a marketing agency to help them make sales.


A wholesaler buys goods in bulk from the producer and then sells them to retailers in smaller quantities, but these quantities are still quite large for the individual consumers. The wholesale business works on the simple principle that bulk buying results in a lower per-unit cost. A wholesaler buys goods in bulk from a factory at cheaper rates and sells them to retailers at a higher one, the cost difference constitutes the wholesaler’s profit. For instance, a wholesaler purchases 5000 units of a product from a producer at $1 each. A retailer only needs 500 pieces at a time, but they’ll purchase it at $1.25 per unit from the wholesaler. Wholesalers are fully independent intermediaries purchasing and selling all kinds of products. They have no associations with particular companies. However, it’s up to the wholesaler to choose whether they deal in a wide range of products or focus on a specific niche. A key point about wholesalers is that they buy in bulk and sell in bulk, only that their selling quantities are lesser than buying quantities. Rarely do wholesalers sell directly to end consumers unless they require an unusually large amount of goods.


A distributor works much in the same way as a wholesaler. The only difference is that while a wholesaler does not have any association with producers, a distributor aims to promote and sell the goods from a specific producer only.

It could be said the distributor is a hybrid of a wholesaler and a marketing agent. That is, they’re hired to market a company’s products and are paid a commission for the sales they make. But their mode of operation is in bulk, just like a wholesaler.


The retailer is the last intermediary link in the supply chain that leads up to the consumer. These are the individuals or firms that customers go to buy products for day-to-day use. Retailers source large quantities of goods from wholesalers and sell them to customers in whatever quantity the average person buys a specific good.

Yet again, the sequence of increasing per-unit costs continues as the retailer sells each unit at a higher price to the customers. The retail business is all about advertising products to the wider population and making it easier for them to buy conveniently.


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