F.Y.B.com Business Communication Most Importance | FYB.Com Business Communication Sem 1



FYB.Com Business Communication Sem 1

Q.1 Define the word communication and What is Business Communication?


Definitions of Communication:

The term communication, although a daily occurrence, is vague. The content of the communication differs. Some definitions refer to the communication of animals with members of their own species and humans, as well as human communication.

To aid understanding of communication concepts, here are some definitions of communication. They cover different aspects of communication and are not necessarily compatible. The

Oxford English Dictionary defines communication as the sending or sharing of information and ideas. Peter Little, in his book Verbal and Written Communication, defines communication as the process of transferring information between individuals and/or organizations to produce an intelligible response.

In this context, the importance of i) communication as exchange or exchange, ii) information transfer between individuals and/or organisations, and iii) one's understanding of the response.

Here, the communication process includes activities that ensure the correct communication of information, thus creating an understanding between the message and the receiver. should be done. The word information here means knowledge, knowledge and attitude or mind of the sender. According to Alan Lewis (Louis), communication is about what a person does when they want to create understanding in the minds of others. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a continuous process of teaching, listening, understanding and responding.

This definition makes it clear that communication is communication that maintains two paths connecting the sender to the receiver who understands what the sender wants. Thus, the communication process includes transmission, reception, understanding and understanding. Keith Davies defines communication in Business and Marketing as communication that encompasses all human relations. It is the brain of a team, providing the knowledge and insights necessary for productivity and morale.

Communication is the transfer of knowledge and understanding from one person to another. (Keith Davis) This term refers to communication, information sharing, and understanding between the sender and the receiver.

What is business communication?

As business communication plays an important role in any business organisation, its importance should be focused on. Business communication is the sharing of information about businesses and their benefits.

The definition below focuses more on corporate communication. Therefore, it can be considered as a more interesting and general interpretation of business communication.

Communication work is a process involving the communication and generation of ideas through feedback, with the goal of making a decision to achieve the goals of the organization. (William G. Scott, Organization Theory)

This definition refers to i) the sender's or receiver's ability to communicate or receive ideas accurately, ii) give feedback, iii) encourage action to achieve goals. According to these conditions, the transmission and reception strategies must match.

For example, if the sender remembers a previous happy experience, the receiver should connect and remember a similar experience.

All of the above points may vary according to; but they know three main terms: discussion, exchange, discussion, sharing, exchange, sharing, etc. They undoubtedly enhance our understanding of the concept of communication, which includes speaking, reading, writing, expressing thoughts and feelings, exchanging ideas, feeling emotions for signs, symbols, signs and explanations. Thus, we can define communication as the process of sharing facts, ideas, thoughts, ideas and information between two or more people through speech, notes, gestures or symbols.

Analyzing and thinking about all aspects of communication is essential for effective communication. Because unless a person understands and appreciates his own nature, limitations and abilities, he cannot know the most important thing of our day, communication.

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